Glass panel in churchMass and service times for this coming week can be seen HERE and you can read Fr Kevin's Desk HERE

Missing Persons? 

Perhaps you have noticed that someone who is regularly at Mass is not there. Perhaps you know that a parishioner is unwell or unable to get out. We would willingly contact or visit them either at home, in hospital, hospice or care home but cannot do so without their request. Telling us is the first step - please let the office know their name and contact details by telephone or email.

The second step is to ask them to let us know they would like contact in the same way.

New to the Parish? 

We would love to get to know you.
If you are recently arrived in the parish, please complete a new parishioner form from the porch with your contact details and put it into the collection basket at the offertory.

Deanery Music Day - 22nd Feb

Just a reminder that the 2nd event in our Deanery Music series will be held at Holy Family church hall on Saturday 22nd Feb 2025 11.00 - 15.30.

We have invited Maria Hall, who offers Formation for Parishes to come and lead a practical workshop on Music & Liturgy. Tea, coffee and biscuits will be provided. 
Please bring a savoury and sweet item for a shared table at lunchtime.

It would be helpful if you This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to let us know you are coming for numbers. Thank you John & Karen


 Jubilee Year Hymn

We will be learning the Jubilee Year hymn Pilgrims of Hope over the next few weeks and singing it many times this year.

You will also hear it in any of the Jubilee celebrations. If you would like to become familiar with it - please go the Jubilee Year website and search for Jubilee Hymn OR go to YouTube and search for Pilgrims of Hope Jubilee Hymn 2025 where you can listen to it. Or CLICK HERE to listen to a version.

The Annual Southport Interfaith Lecture ‘Building Bridges’ by Geoff Corré

3.00pm Sunday 16th February 2025 at Southport & District Reform Synagogue, Princes St, Southport PR8 1EG.

This lecture is for 40 minutes followed by a discussion for 20 minutes in which you are invited to put forward your own thoughts as to how we can support our friends of different faiths in Southport, helping us to build a cohesive society. It is followed by the chance to informally socialise amongst ourselves over tea and biscuits after the discussion.

The lecture is open to all those that wish to support Southport’s faiths. There will be door security and a police presence. All Welcome

Quiz night Friday 7th March in Holy Family Church Hall

in aid of Building funds for the Church.

Doors open at 7.15pm; starts at 7.45pm. Bring your own refreshments, Tea & Coffee provided.

£5 ticket (cash only ) + Raffle. Don't worry if haven't a team join in with other
parishioners, community spirit is all that is needed!

The application form for Lourdes 2025 is now online!


The cost is £710 which can be reduced through fundraising and a bursary. For more information
contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Faith in Action

All our Faith in Action candidates and their families are invited to a get together on Thursday 10th April from 6pm- 7pm in
the Parish Hall.

Father Kevin will begin with a reading and we will follow this with some quiet reflection. We will also have time to chat about what you are doing to help at Holy Family.

For some of you that means reading at Mass; helping with Children’s Liturgy; helping at Fairs; serving on the altar; running the IT; welcoming people to Mass; helping with the music etc.

It would be great to hear your ideas about how we could improve our Parish. Remember, your voice is very important.

Another Ukraine Appeal:

Eddie will be making yet another trip to Ukraine (his 11th I think!) in April and would greatly appreciate
donations for babies – Anything! – nappies, formula, baby-grows etc.

The Nutty Knitters will be making warm items as well. I do hope you are able to support us, you have been so generous in the past.
We have until the 1st April to gather all the gifts. Love Maggi

Swap Shelves 

We have been given quite a few more books and jigsaws for our Swap Shelves in the Parish Hall.

It is usually open between the Masses on a Sunday morning. Come along after the 9.30am Mass or before the 11am Mass and take a book, leave a book or pick up a jigsaw. Tea and coffee are served and it is a very sociable time for all.

Postage Stamps, Plastic Tubs and Foreign Coins. Thank you for your ongoing support.

Matthew continues to collect for charity: round plastic tubs and lids, the sort that hold Heroes or Quality Street/Roses etc, postage stamps and any foreign coins.

Please drop them into the Parish Office. Thank you.

Holy Family Heritage 

Following the success of our Heritage Project Christmas Film and display, we would like to continue this theme by asking parishioners to donate any old photographs, original or copies, that you might have of Holy Family Church or School over the years.

We want to create a Parish photographic archive. Any information that you can provide about the images would make them even more interesting. When was it taken? Who are the people? What was the event?

We would also like to create a Holy Family 'Weddings through the Years' display. Did you get married at Holy Family? Could you donate a photograph of the special day with some information? It will be interesting to see how the interior of the Church has changed and how fashions have changed! Photographs can be left in the sacristy or office.

Please leave your name and contact details but remember that the photographs will not be returned.

The Sacrament of Confirmation 2025. 

Registration is now open for Confirmation. If you are in year 8, or above, and would like to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation, please REGISTER HERE

The link closes on 17/03/25

Heating and Refurbishment appeal

I am delighted to report that our appeal has this week reached nearly £64,000, and this is before our wonderful grant money from the Gubay Charitable Foundation. Obviously this total will allow us to attend to wider ranging repair problems, but we will keep you informed as to progress. Watch this space!!

Thank you so much to everyone for your brilliant support and contributions.

Thanks to all who donate to the upkeep of our lovely church, so that everyone can enjoy its healing presence...
 you can donate ONLINE to Holy Family...

Fr. Kevin.


One way of letting the local community know that the church is active, and a Mass or service is about to take place, is by the ringing of the bell. But it can also help those in earshot, and perhaps housebound, know what is happening at that moment. With the longer ringing before Mass and the two rings of three at the Consecration, it can mean that they can be involved because of this, and feel connected.

We do have some of the Masses covered, but if you would like to volunteer, particularly if you attend a Mass where the bell is not rung, for either before Mass, and/or at the Consecration, please contact the Parish Office and a short instruction, if necessary, can be given, and to help us to know who could ring for each Mass.

SchoolHFNews from our Schools 

The end of half term is here already – time has flown by and the nights are staying lighter for longer – Spring is
on its way!

Have a lovely restful half term and we will see you on Monday 24th February. Take care.

Volunteers needed

Would you able to join our Parish health and safety team? We need a small group to help carry out regular health
and safety checks in the parish. Would you be interested in taking on a role in Catechesis? We need people to help with our Baptism and First Holy Communion preparation.

Do you have a skill, or knowledge, you would like to share at a Meet up Monday?

Parish Finances

In addition to all our fundraising during 2024, the following cheques have been sent covering July to February 2025.
Peters Pence £195.66
Provision for Priests in Retirement £385.46
Home Missions £40.00
Catholic Education £166.71
APF Missions £279.75
Mary’s Meals £234.90
Spiritans (Holy Ghost Fathers) £575.32
CAFOD £522.54
LEPRA £307. 45

In addition to this is the regular donations of cash, gift vouchers and food donations to the SVP which is given out as it comes in.
A sincere thank you on behalf of all those people locally and around the world who benefit from your continued generosity.

Support for the divorced and separated 

The Restored Lives course is run over six weeks, one evening per week. The talks cover the key issues to help you to move on and highlight the practical steps and tools to enable you to tackle the issues that arise from separation and divorce. For more information contact Maureen 0767753371

Uniform Hub 

A reminder that our Uniform Hub is open Tues-Friday 10am to 12noon at 17A Cambridge Walks for all your pre-loved school uniform needs. No appointment or referral is needed and you can bring an item with you to swap, make a small donation or take free items. It is for the whole community as so many of us hate to see waste and find ourselves being stretched to afford the very costly unforms and sports kits. Donations of blazers from Y11 school leavers (good condition only) are welcome at this time of the year.

Making a will - If your parish has served you well in life, please remember that, like all charities, it relies totally on donations and your generosity for its continued existence, God Bless.  FIND OUT MORE 

You may not be able to give financially,

but there are other ways you can help the parish, like donating your time, or your prayers, which are more needed than ever in all sorts of ways. We want to thank all our parishioners for all the ways that they make us a community, looking after each other, and beyond...

SVP notices

I would like to thank everyone involved over the years who have contributed their time and material help in order to improve the lives of so many local people and families in need. Please read the SVP REPORT which shows some of the needs and work done in our area.

Please do keep the vouchers and donations coming in and if anyone would be interested in becoming a member of the Saint Vincent de Paul Society, please contact Athena in the parish office for more details.

May God Bless and reward you all. Fr. Kevin.

  • Offertory Envelopes
    Thank you to all those who donate via offertory envelopes. Could I also suggest that you give some thought to changing your weekly contributions from cash to standing order. It is a real benefit to the parish and much easier to administer. Please contact the parish office for more information.

  • Gift Aid
    If you already have a standing order, or are thinking of making one, also please consider the possibility of GiftAiding your donations, if you are able to do so. Kathy and John Bowers have very kindly agreed to administer our Gift Aid scheme on behalf of the Parish, and you can find out more information HERE or by contacting the Parish Office.

  • There's a Free Job Club being run in conjunction with Christians against Poverty, at St John's church Ainsdale. If you think you could benefit please have a look... 

Do you know someone in hospital, or about to go into hospital?

The chaplaincy team are here to help YOU.

CLICK HERE for more information