HF appeal
An appeal for more than just money!

Ukraine, Gaza, conflicts and needs all round the world...

as well as a few needs closer to home. How will we respond?

One of our most pressing problems right now is the major cost of updating our creaking heating system and attending to building maintenance..

You may have noticed that we have a card machine at the back of church which will accept card donations. Please use it if you are one of those people who don't carry 'real money'.

You can also DONATE HERE using a card...

Please read Fr Kevin's desk to see how you can help. And pray for him and the community that is Holy Family parish

CLICK HERE to download and read his appeal where the situation is clearly set out, and try and prayerfully consider what action you can take.

Making a will

If your parish has served you well in life, please remember that, like all charities, it relies totally on donations and your generosity for its continued existence.

Money - always a difficult subject - what can we do to maintain our giving? 

    • Take out a standing order with your bank. If you contact us we can provide the bank details you need and a form to complete.
    • And if you are a taxpayer, help us more by completing a GiftAid form, so that what you give can be increased by 25% at absolutely no cost to you. John and Cath Bowers are now our administrators for this, and can be contacted via the Parish email.
    • If you do not have internet access or are uncomfortable with these methods please contact us and we will make other arrangements to suit you

    You can understand that we still have outgoings to be paid, and we pride ourselves on prompt payment to our suppliers.

    Thank you for your assistance.

Offertory Envelopes

Thank you to all those who donate via offertory envelopes. Could we also suggest that you give some thought to changing your weekly contributions from cash to standing order and look at Giftaid on your donations if you are a taxpayer. It is a real benefit to the parish and much easier to administer. Please contact the parish office for more information.

CAFOD - Helping people living in poverty with practical help, whatever their religion or culture URGENT APPEAL!!

WCAFOD logohether you donatecampaigndownload prayers or volunteer you are saving lives and helping us ensure that no one is beyond reach of the love and care they need

The people of Sudan need our help urgently. We are launching an emergency appeal for donations to get aid to them on the biggest scale we can muster.

When violence broke out last year in Sudan between government and paramilitaries, most aid agencies evacuated. Now, humanitarian workers are struggling to get back into Sudan to help, meaning severe delays in getting aid to the people, and the challenges of getting into areas where fighting is still going on remain.

Many borders are shut as the government say they need to keep weapons out. But the Church and our local partners are still there. Please, stand with them today. The situation has gone from serious to desperate very quickly. The UN is calling it ‘the world’s worst displacement crisis’. At least 8 million people have had to flee their homes; famine looms. “At least 25 million Sudanese need immediate, emergency help. Families are already going hungry and famine is looming.

This crisis threatens to become the worst in living memory. Donations can be made at cafod.org.uk/SudanAppeal You can also Text CAFODSUDAN to 70450 to donate £10.

Please help if you possibly can... 

Best wishes, Adrian Cannell.

Ukraine Crisis Appeal

CLICK HERE to see what we are doing and what you can do to help us.

Also see DEC website (Disasters Emergency Committee) website. This is a collaboration of major relief charities.

The knitters have received an appeal for baby items, i.e. blankets, cardigans, baby food, baby cream, or any item suitable for a baby – they are absolutely desperate. Please leave items in a bag in the porch. With many thanks. Maggi

SJOG homes for Ukraine
Also see Liverpool Archdiocese website.

Another major requirement are safe homes for people displaced by the war. Can you help? Do you have space in your house, a spare room? Please think and pray about this.

Click on the SJOG Homes for Ukraine image for more information. THANK YOU...


Mary's Meals' - simple is best.

marys meals logos
On the basis that some of the best ideas are the simplest, Mary’s Meals provides one good meal to some of the world’s poorest children every school day. 

So we feed the children, and they learn and work better, because they're not hungry. Modest amounts of money make amazing differences to large numbers of children. Their work is named after Mary, the mother of Jesus, who brought up her own child in poverty. Mary’s Meals consists of, respects, and reaches out to people of all faiths and of none.


“The promise of a good meal attracts these hungry children into the classroom, giving them the energy to learn and hope for a better future”. If you would like to become a part of this amazing project, all we ask for is your loose change! We have little boxes looking for good homes!

Our parish representative for Mary's meals is Felicity Warham,

she has all the details and the famous little boxes. If you can help, contact Felicity on 07927 701203. When the box is full simply hand in to the parish office and collect a new one. Another way to help - Linda Hunt has prepared a selection of greeting cards for all occasions. They are for sale in the porch. Please support Felicity and Linda as they look after this essential initiative in our parish community.